
Showing posts from February, 2009

How important is one life?

Have you ever sat and wondered how important you are to the world? Sure, many of us have seen "It's A Wonderful Life" (I hope you have anyhow), and maybe even "Family Man" (another great movie, and I am not a Nicolas Cage fan at all). Therefore no doubt, you can envision the "big" things. Just ask those passengers on the US Air jet which had to crash land in the Hudson River how important pilot (Captain Chesley Sullenberger) was to their lives. But I didn't mean the easy what if, I meant bigger. How many lives does the average life "touch"? As I began to think about this over the past week or so, I mentioned my thoughts to a friend to see how they would envision trying to determine such a thing. To my surprise, I not only got their feedback, but I got a story to affirm my entire thought process to boot. Let me share their story before getting back to my premise, I think it sets the table well. My friend actually smiled at me as I