
Showing posts from July, 2009

The Health Care Debate (A Plea for Sanity)

Well, I have been debating what to write about after taking the past month off, something personal, something funny, something political? I went back and forth for several days, kind of working on all 3 ideas at the same time. I would simply see which one allowed itself to be completed first. And the winner is, my shout out on why Congress and Barrack Obama need to stay the hell away from our health care system. Is our current health care system perfect? Nope. Is it the best in the world? Yep. Can it be improved? Sure. Can the government design and run a better health care system? Only if you think we have an overpopulation problem and we need to be killing off a few thousand people a day. What is the real problem with health care? Well, the most talked about problem on the Network news is the millions of people out there without insurance. So, how to fix the problem? If you vote Democratic, apparently the solution is to throw out our current system, and let the government run things,