
Showing posts from November, 2011

Thanksgiving: Thanks to some less obvious folks...

Thanksgiving. Sadly the Thanksgiving holiday is now known more for being the busiest travel weekend of the year, and for Black Friday (soon to be Thursday night sadly) sales to start the Christmas holiday buying season. There is one element of the Thanksgiving of old that (thankfully) still lives on: a time for reflection of all the people (and things) we are thankful for in the past year. Indeed, in today's society, far too little is appreciated and far too few are thankful for what they have. So tonight, rather than a status blurb on Facebook, I wanted to write down a few of the "less obvious" people I am thankful for. Unlike an Oscar winner, I am not going to even attempt to list every family member and friend I can possibly name. I am quite grateful for all of them. I hope and pray they all know this, I do try and make sure they all understand how appreciated they are. I am also quite thankful for a loving God, the brave men and women who serve our country, fi