
Showing posts from October, 2012

America At A Crossroads, Finale (aka Part IV)

Well, the election is less than 2 weeks away, and now it is crunch time for the campaigns.   In previous posts, I discussed the beginnings of our country, it's values, it's ideals, it's goals from the Founders' own words.   Also, included were a look at some of the typically outrageous and contradictory statements made by our leaders to examine the veracity and believability of what they vocalize publicly and for the record, a discussion of the importance of balancing our budget and saving our economy, but perhaps most telling is the current state of affairs.   I, for one, think our country can do so much better than the status quo.   During my college years I studied history and political science, and it has remained a hobby and passion of mine in the many years since those school days.   We are faced with some less than inspiring choices this time around.   Quite simply this election will come down to a few issues and factors, and little else will matter.  

America At A Crossroads, Part III

No One Side Of The Aisle Has The Moral High Ground There are so many ways to view the various issues which are important in this election cycle. But, before I continue with the issues which are so relevant to many of us this election, I think it is VERY important to lay down an absolute.   Yes, absolutes in politics are an oxymoron typically, but as poisoned by partisan-based vitriol, the nearly complete loss of civility online and indeed in the world itself, there is something I simply want to state for the record. Just because you support a left-leaning/liberal ideology which typically is associated in the modern culture with caring more about homeless people, the elderly, minorities, the sick, the down and out, and so forth; it does not mean others do not.   You do not have a monopoly on compassion and caring.   Honestly, I resent the holy hell out of such an assumption.  It offends me to the core because it is dishonest and disingenuous.  What we may disagree

America At A Crossroads, Part II

The American Dream, or the American Nightmare? Let me begin by asking you this: What is the modern day American Dream?  What does America represent to you? If you were just asked on the street in front of a group of people, how well could you articulate your answer to those two simple questions? When I was growing up in the 1980s, I can vividly recall people talking about the American Dream.  In simple terms it went along the lines of getting a good education, landing a good job in a career you liked, finding your soul mate, settling down to raise a family and buy the house with the white-picket fence and live happily ever after, or something to that effect. When you asked people what America represented, freedom was almost always the first word out of anyone's mouth.  The freedom to pursue your dreams, live where you wanted, build the house you wanted, do what you wanted to do, travel to where you wanted to go, believe whatever religion you chose to fo

America At A Crossroads, Part I

Writing about politics online is probably even worse than writing about religion online, unless you are a satirical artist mocking Mohammed in your story.  Post something political on Facebook and you are essentially lighting the match and tossing it into gasoline (see the Chick-Fil-A fiasco last month).  However, I am going to try a different approach.  I may or may not succeed, but I feel compelled to try. I view the coming election as a tipping point in American history and it begs for some intelligent conversation and debate, not the ridiculous spin doctoring, name calling, insult tossing banter which has overrun the modern American political scene.  Political debate has been replaced with political berate.  This will merely be some of my thoughts, opinions, beliefs, information, and personal reasoning on the issues which matter to me, and not a condemnation of those who choose to align opposite from me.  If someone else truly disagrees with my opinions, I enco