Please James Dobson, Shut Up...
The recent tragedy in Newtown, CT has left our country feeling almost as it did after the events of 9/11. Feelings of profound sadness, violation, loss of innocence, senseless violence, anger at those responsible, and even emotional numbness are seemingly common. Certainly not to the same scale, but indeed it is very difficult to come to grips with the fact 26 people, most of them children, were murdered in cold blood, by an evil, cowardly sociopath. In times like this many in our society are left looking for some sense of direction, for cues on how they should act and feel in such a situation. They generally are not needing to know how to act, it is more of an attempt to try and understand the big question we are all left with in a tragedy like this: why? Why did this horrible thing happen? Sadly, this is when everyone's heightened sense of awareness brings all kinds of answers to light: both the good and unfortunately, the bad. ...