
Showing posts from February, 2013

Sarcasm and Facts: The Bane of Sound Bite Activists Everywhere

Over the past 12 months or so our country has seen several horrific tragedies, the kinds of tragedies which spurn people to action, looking for solutions and ways to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again. Indeed, it is good to see our society is not ambivalent about evil coming to our world.  The movie theater killings in Denver and the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School are certainly the most public of them, but there have been many episodes where the public wanted to cry out in sadness and then spurn into action to prevent such horrific things from ever happening again.  We also look for reasons, explanations, something which might make sense of it maybe, and lastly we look to assign blame and responsibility somewhere. In October 2006, another murderous nutjob killed 5 innocent Amish schoolgirls between the ages of 6-13.  You may even recall hearing about it as well.  What you might not recall, since our national attention span is someth