
Showing posts from March, 2013

One Man's Journey To Supporting Gay Marriage

Fade In.  Camera pans into a hospital room. There are several machines clustered around a bed, lots of numbers, lights, and beeps.  An older patient is sleeping in the hospital bed, lots of tubes coming out of their arm hooked to the machines and drip bags beside the bed.  The patient is not sleeping well, the rest is a fitful one.  There are small groans and moans which slip out as they toss and turn. As the camera pulls back we see a hallway and a bit further down we see a waiting room.  There we see another older person crying, quietly sobbing, holding a tissue.  They are talking to the doctor and the news is apparently not good.  As the doctor leaves, we see the person continue to simply sit and cry.  Hours, even days may pass.  The visitor it turns out is the soulmate of our patient.  They have been together for nearly 40 years, sharing birthdays, vacations, life's many happy and sad moments.  However, now they are forced to remain apart.  One is dying, lik