Frustration Over Our Decaying Sense of Civility
Like many, I truly enjoy the words of encouragement, great quotes, scripture, interesting tidbits of history, and pictures of my friends and their families online. What I find much more troubling and much more aggravating (and much more prevalent these past few years), is how dismissive and condescending so many people are online when a person shares an honest belief, thought, philosophy or viewpoint which is not shared by all their friends. Politics and Religion are the gr eatest examples of this. It takes a good bit of faith these days to post your beliefs for all the world of Facebook (or another online forum) to see. It may not quite be the same level of trust and intimacy of sharing your birthday suit with someone, but sharing your deeply held personal beliefs and convictions is indeed inviting people to see your inner most self. Sadly so many take the opportunity to repay that level of authenticity, honesty and openness by shredding people's souls and que...