
Showing posts from January, 2016

It's Time To Burst The Trump Bubble

I have held off for so long on posting too much political discussion because taken as a whole on social media, it tends to breed strife, discontent, disillusionment with our friends, and generally frustrate many without changing anything (except a few opinions of others).   However, I have also seen some very worthy debates and discussions arise from such posts when civilized discourse is used and so I am going to attempt that kind of post.   I have no idea if I will succeed or fail miserably, but I will at least be able to say I tried. These words and thoughts are just mine, I can’t pass blame for them onto anyone else.   You can disagree, feel free.   I have tons of friends who do not share my view of religion, some who are in fact atheists.   I have friends who embrace nearly every political opposite of things I believe to the core of my being.   They, nonetheless remain friends.   Good debates on issues SHOULD help shape our minds and thoughts in a meaningful way.   Odds a