
Showing posts from September, 2009

Tired of Politics? How about sex??

Well, I have been waiting for the right motivation to pen another socially relevant blog, but there haven’t been any major political debates to ignite the passion within. So, how can I still be interesting? What sensational or taboo topic could I come up with to stir the pot? I know a topic sure to be quite thought provoking and emotional: the subject of sex. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big time supporter and proponent of sex. Honestly, I think one of the failings of many churches, indeed even many families, is the “taboo” of talking openly about sex. There are so many topics and viewpoints on sex this could turn into a series of blogs. But, first I will begin by writing about the stigma the topic gets today from so many in the religious community and how many academics and educators are ruining our society (with their treatment of sex) as well. There needs to be balance on the topic given its elevated importance in our culture, and much like the political arena today, it is a topic

The Bible Replaced In Gainesville, By The Gator Playbook

Well, I have quite enjoyed poking fun at the football team in Hogtown this week. I know they are quite poised for what should be a repeat National Title and a potential first perfect season ever. However, being a Gator hater, I also have high hopes things will go awry and since they are starting with such high expectations, there is no where for them to go, but down. And I pray one of my teams can be the one to deliver the dagger to the heart of Gator fans the world over. So, I will recap and add a few extra nuggets before turning my full attention back to the week to week battles in College Football (I will try and conjure up some new material when my sacred Dawgs face the Drunken Horde of orange and blue in Jacksonville on Halloween). Much has been said, made, revered, cherished and regurgitated about Tim Tebow over the past 3 years. Before I go further, let me say LOUDLY, I like Tim, the person. My issues have been strictly with the Gator fans, the media, and the unholy hype surroun

My 5 Favorite Hours of Television

Okay, I had another idea for some "light" writing and decided I would take advantage of the sentiment. No hard issues of the day, no life altering epiphanies, just one of thousands of random thoughts that crossed my brain yesterday. Television has played a huge role in our society and certainly boomed in my lifetime. From a black and white picture with 3 channels, to full color, high definition pictures on a thousand channels. It is almost a mirror of our society, from the small minded, limited views of our world in the 1960s, to the full and rich experience of our global world today; both good and bad. In all the hours of watching TV there have been some major events which certainly will stay with me forever. Some I vividly remember, others not at all. Neil Armstrong walking on the moon doesn't count for me, I was not even 2. But I do remember seeing the news of the hostages being taken in Iran, seeing Reagan get shot, watching my beloved Phillies win the 1980 World