Stop Being A Couch Potato Watching Oprbama

As I listen to people talk on the news, in the media, online and in person about health care one thing has become abundantly clear: Far too many Americans have forgotten what it is to BE an American, they now resemble something like a couch potato watching reality TV every day. They look to Oprah and the government to just fix the problem, preferably before the next commercial break and certainly before tomorrow’s episode. And sadly, many of them actually believe they can do it.

Are Oprah’s guests today Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter? Shute, you would think Barrack Obama is wielding a magic wand the way so many people think he can magically solve not only America’s woes, but all the world’s problems.

So many Americans want things wrapped up all nice and neat, and quickly. It seems "closure" is now the goal, not a dogged determination to find the best solutions to the problems of the world today. Too many people lack the motivation to educate themselves on the issue or lack the initiative to get involved in the process. If the government will take care of it, then they won’t have to worry about it or hear about it on TV anymore.

On Oprah a problem is brought up, some people or experts are brought in to talk about the issue, and some solutions are discussed. Someone from the audience or backstage will come on and talk about how they have been cured, the problem solved or some other nice tidy little solution. Occasionally some background footage of the process is offered. But the point is, it all looks so nice and tidy. One hour and we “solved” another problem.

It all looks so easy. Even TV dramas tend to follow the same plot ideas. Early on crisis. Middle of the show, solve the problem. End of show, problem solved. Instant Gratification. Closure. It works so well, the political parties now use the same scripts. Oprah gets ratings, the political parties get money, power and control.

Take Health Care, the leading topic of the day. Does anyone really, honestly believe one giant 2000+ page “health care reform” bill, written by people who live in a bubble world inside the Washington beltway, answering not to their constituents as much as they are their contributors, is going to "fix" our health care system and insure everyone, all while saving taxpayers money? Well, if you do, Walt Disney has nothing on you. Fantasyland isn't in Orlando, it's located between your two ears. One bill is not going to solve this problem. This bill will simply make the problem much, much worse.

Sure there are issues with the health care industry. Has anyone in the mainstream media brought up the idea of malpractice and tort reform to help lower malpractice insurance premiums? Nope. Has there been any major media coverage of the large numbers of doctors who are retiring rather than deal with the massive malpractice problem? Negative. How about a simple, one cost for everyone who wants to buy coverage approach? Or bracketed coverage by age groups, 18-35 this price, 36-55, this price, 56-70 this price, etc? Has anyone in Washington or the mainstream press even explored a system like that? Not that I am aware of. Maybe allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines would bring better service and prices? I don’t know, since to my knowledge nobody has ever explored it. If it is not being talked about as part of this bill, there is your answer. They are not mentioned because they are not being considered.

We are Americans. We want change! We don't want to hear all that crap. We can’t wait. We need closure, instant relief. Something must be done RIGHT NOW!

Listen, if government-run health care is so wonderful, where are all the members of the armed forces getting this “first-rate government run health care” at? Why aren’t they appearing in TV commercials, and in front of congressional panels giving detailed testimony about the amazing quality of care? I work with several retired veterans. They sure don’t drop by my office to sing the praises of TriCare.

Where are the thousands of senior citizens lining up to espouse the many virtues of Medicare? After all, isn’t it government-run health insurance for senior citizens?

If you want to know what a government-run health care system is like, there are two perfect examples. But the real world results of these systems will never appear on TV, they will end up on the cutting room floor. Why? I can tell you why, because they would scare the hell out of you!

And what about the cost of this wondrous health care system? We can tax the rich and the greedy corporations to pay for it. Do you realize if you took every single penny from the richest 10 Americans today, you couldn’t even fund 30% of the recently passed Stimulus package? Their total net worth is $235 billion. Their life’s work in wealth won’t even pay for 1/3 of the stimulus package, how on God’s green earth is it going to cover health care, even for one year?

Folks, even China, the world’s biggest country and America’s single largest debt holder, asked the president detailed questions about the cost of such a system. Why? Because even they don’t think we can afford it. I could have written my entire objection to health care on the basis of our national debt alone. But I am saving the National Debt topic for an upcoming note.

Well, Grant, what is your proposed solution to all of this? It is very simple. If you don't want the government to decide all of your health care decisions for you, get involved. Invest some time in educating yourself on the issues, not just health care, but any of the problems you see in the world today. In this case I asked a few friends who work in the health care and insurance industry for their ideas and thoughts. They were interesting discussions. I also read a few Op/Ed pieces which referenced material elsewhere. Being an American means not just listening to Fox News or MSNBC for 60 minutes, and it sure as heck doesn’t include ignoring the problem either and hoping someone else will take care of it.

Educate yourself, find people who share your beliefs and spread the word. Call and write your Representatives and Senators. Support candidates who share YOUR beliefs. Instead of letting some bureaucrat in a government office write the script for your future health care and your kids, take a shot at writing your own. After all this is America, isn't it?!


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