10 Famous Guys I Would Like To Hang Out With For A Day

Well, the news is drawing me towards writing on a different topic, but I have seen a few recent efforts at getting people to share more info about themselves over the past few weeks. The 100 question interviews, the polls and such are okay, but I wanted to try a different concept. Nothing too detailed or time consuming.

So, I came up with the idea to list the 10 Guys I Would Most Like To Hang Out With For A Day. I stayed away from listing any ladies, no distractions here. Just 10 dudes from all different areas whom I think would be fun, interesting, educational, and maybe all of the them. Each one holds some area of interest to me, and I left some off the list just because I had to whittle it to 10. And of course since I cannot bring people back from the dead, they have to be living.

So, I will list mine. Perhaps someone else will take up the idea and list theirs. Just a quick bit of mostly meaningless wondering. Perfect for the holiday season.

1) Mike Rowe, host of Dirty Jobs. Besides the fact we share the same sense of humor, I think Mike and I would be buddies if we lived in the same town or worked at the same place. He has an amazing grasp of common sense, work ethic, humor, and has an array of talents, including singing. I have said before, Discovery Channel needs to have me win a contest to hang out with the Dirty Jobs crew for a day.

2) Bill Engvall, comedian. He is clean. It is rare when you can find a comedian these days who can be so funny and he doesn't have to resort to profanity to convey his thoughts. But even beyond that, he is simply a funny guy, a dad and someone I am quite certain would be a hoot to hang out with for an afternoon. He understands being a dad, being a guy, and I am sure it would be a very funny day.

3) George Lucas, creator/producer Star Wars/Indiana Jones and more. Sure his public persona is that he can be arrogant, private, demanding, etc. Who cares? This guy created the whole Star Wars saga, made some epic films and also helped create some amazing technologies for the film industry. It would just be neat to hang out and see what he is dreaming up next.

4) Mike Schmidt, baseball player. My boyhood idol growing up, lifetime Phillie and Hall-of-Famer. It would be so neat to hear stories about my favorite team and players from my youth, and get his take on the game today. He grew into the role of team leader and he did all of this before the ‘roids became the rage.

5) Brett Favre, quarterback. Let me stress, I think it would be fun to play a nice pickup football game with Brett Favre, just like in the Wrangler jeans commercial. I love the kind of football player he is, and my favorite play of his was not a pass he threw, but rather a block he laid on a Vikings safety back in the day when he was with the Packers. How can you not love a QB who LIKES to block. My kinda ballplayer.

6) Newt Gingrich, politician. Okay, this is sure to raise a few eyebrows. My main reason for including Newt is my belief he was the best Congressman and Speaker of the House in the 20th century. He truly knew how to organize a political party. Certainly I might not agree with all of his views, or how he ran his personal life, but even those who despised him acknowledge the man knew how to balance a budget, run a tight ship and it is during the years of his leadership in Congress we ran budget surpluses, something I venture will never be seen again.

7) Billy Graham, Pastor & Evangelist. To many, he is the face of Christianity in the world. Sure, Billy has finally gotten to the end of his life on earth, but I would hope to still get just a glimpse of the man who has literally changed millions of lives. He always seemed to find the balance the Christian world needs to have and he certainly commanded the respect of leaders the world over.

8) Patrick Stewart, actor. This is a tough one. There are several actors I really like: Scott Bakula, Harrison Ford, Tom Selleck, Kevin Costner and even at times, Will Farrell (but I think Will is just plain crazy). Certainly any of them would probably be fun to hang with, but Patrick Stewart was the Captain of the Enterprise for the longest time (7 seasons and 4 movies) and he is British. I do so like the accent and the sense of style. Patrick Stewart exudes class and sophistication; all while having been on my favorite series. Plus, he is a very accomplished stage actor, movie actor, television actor and none of the others on my list has quite that extensive a background.

9) Ronald Moore, writer/producer Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine & Battlestar Galactica. Perhaps the second least known on my list here, but this guy has helped write and produce many of my favorite shows for the past 20 years. He seems to use a more gritty style than most writers, especially in the SciFi genre. Most of his projects have been interesting to me, so I would think it would be neat to see how he thinks this stuff up.

10) Warrick Dunn & Derrick Brooks, former FSU & TB Bucs football players. Sure they are great football players. But, first and foremost they are both world-class people. They excelled on the field, but even more off the field. They understand what service and charity are all about, and they would be quite interesting to watch a game with sometime as well.

Some others who almost made the list: Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee (the inventor of the World Wide Web-the Internet to most people), Glenn Beck (like him or not, I absolutely love the idea of the 9/12 Project), Wayne Brady and Bill Cosby (comedians), Dave Dravecky (baseball player who lost his pitching arm to cancer in the prime of his career), Ron Jaworski (NFL QB and TV Color Analyst-nobody probably knows the game and can articulate that knowledge better than him).

I also left off some of the more interesting people I have actually met and been able to talk to, maybe not for a day, but at least a good chat. So UGA Coach Mark Richt, another world-class human being, UGA star David Pollack (where on earth does he get all that energy and enthusiasm?) and Bobby Bowden are all in the latter category.

So, now I will pose it to others, who would you hang out with if you could? I guess if you're a lady, it might be interesting to see which ladies you would choose. Anyone?


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