The Battle For The Soul Of America, Part 2
Congratulations to the left. You got your precious Health Care Bill passed. I can truly picture our President and/or Pelosi as Gollum in Lord of the Rings, "Oh my precious, we wants it, we needs it..." Enjoy it for what little time you have. You see, you have awoken the sleeping giant of Middle class, average America. Sure this health care debate has angered me greatly. My own congressman lied to his constituents about his intended vote, and then waited until nearly 17:00 on Friday to announce it. Coward. Our own local Yellow Dog Democrat. However, it is but one small battle in the greater war for the soul of America. The Democrats spent every single bit of political clout they had, resorted to what is called bribery in the rest of the country for a few more votes, and at last, used its overwhelming arrogance in the media to get the bill passed by a margin of 4 votes (if 4 go the other way, it doesn't pass). Now begin the constitutional challenges. In November, the tsunam...