The Battle For The Soul Of America, Part 2

Congratulations to the left. You got your precious Health Care Bill passed. I can truly picture our President and/or Pelosi as Gollum in Lord of the Rings, "Oh my precious, we wants it, we needs it..."

Enjoy it for what little time you have. You see, you have awoken the sleeping giant of Middle class, average America. Sure this health care debate has angered me greatly. My own congressman lied to his constituents about his intended vote, and then waited until nearly 17:00 on Friday to announce it. Coward. Our own local Yellow Dog Democrat. However, it is but one small battle in the greater war for the soul of America.

The Democrats spent every single bit of political clout they had, resorted to what is called bribery in the rest of the country for a few more votes, and at last, used its overwhelming arrogance in the media to get the bill passed by a margin of 4 votes (if 4 go the other way, it doesn't pass). Now begin the constitutional challenges.

In November, the tsunami of anger created by this show of unrestrained arrogance and absolute partisanship will come ashore in America. It is a tidal wave of change the likes of which your average Obama worshiping liberal only wet dreams of.

How can I be so sure? I am not. I must admit, seeing so many Americans duped into voting for this administration, and also being duped by the last administration, one has to wonder. But here is my reasoning in a nutshell:

What have you done for jobs in this country? Nothing. Unemployment is still way too high. There are no jobs. You honestly think your stimulus package has made a difference? Put down the weed, you haven't legalized it yet. All you did was take the deficit created by Dubya and nuke the ever living holy hell out of it. You make George Bush and the past congress look like Dave Ramsey. You have left a mountain of debt so large, my great-grandchildren are going to read of your patent disregard for fiscal sanity in history books.

How have you helped bring the budget deficit under control? You haven't. See the previous comment. This country is on a collision course for economic collapse. Sure economics is boring. But if you seriously tip the country to the brink of bankruptcy, your party won't likely see power again for quite some time. You see, people care about a lot of causes, but at the end of the day, people will VOTE their wallet, especially when the government is doing its damnedest to empty it.

All that bipartisanship you mentioned? We knew it was a sham in the beginning and now we can see the proof. Health care proved that no idea offered from the right side of aisle would even see the light of day. Not one single suggestion got more than 5 minutes of airtime. Committee hearings? Nope.

Are you actually representing the people of America? When over 70 percent of the public did not want this bill passed, I think you can toss that out the window. You didn't give a damn what the public wanted, you gave in to your leadership.

This isn’t just about health care though. This is about fiscal responsibility. This is about a government that doesn't listen to it's citizens, it gives them the finger.

When it is all said and done, I can best demonstrate the political divide in our country using an old fable. It goes like this: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

The modern day liberal sees nothing wrong with giving those in need a fish every day. You are helping those in need. You are taking care of an immediate need, and not thinking about the future. You care, and you did something. But, the conservative sees the bigger picture. In this fable, the liberal solution is creating a class of people dependent on being given a fish every day to eat. This is where the conservatives begin to wonder about the liberal motive. Are you simply clueless to the Pavlovian reaction to giving away fish, or are you insidiously aware you are now in control of those in need of fish? The conservative approach is to teach the man to fish so he can feed himself, and his family for a lifetime. Who knows, the man may even find a better way to fish where more and more fisherman can be successful. Maybe a way will be found to help teach thousands of others to fish and improve their quality of life.

This is the heart of the political debates of today. Where do you look for solutions to problems, the ingenuity of America or the government? Who invented the car? Electrical Grids? Mass food production? Okay, the government gave us Tang, Velcro and the IRS. And now it has given us a reason to go to the polls in November!


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