
Showing posts from April, 2010

Ideas For Fixing America: Education

Time to put up or shut up. So, to try and show I am not just some angry right-wing blogger simply complaining about Obama and Congress, parroting things on the radio, I have never been shy about putting my own words and thoughts out there. There are so many topics which cry out to me, and which generally make the average American go, yuck, politics, it's all so ...pointless. Sorry, but no, it isn't pointless. It is your civic duty as an American, and your kids future surely will depend on it, as well as your future. I know many of you say "God bless those soldiers fighting for freedom overseas", while at the same time you show them absolutely no respect at home by not bothering to educate yourself and take part in the electoral process. The very freedom they fight for, you simply give away because you don't like the process. You say politics is too confrontational, too much "spin control", too much corruption, too much work, and you don't have

The Battle For The Soul Of America, Part 3

Well, to keep my Lord of the Rings metaphor alive, now it is time for Americans to make the trek to Mordor (in today's lingo called More of Yours, as in more of your money), and throw the sacred ring into the fires of Mount Doom. It only seems appropriate to think of casting out the lot of sorry sycophants in Washington into a place called Mount Doom. It is where we were headed from the moment the election results poured in back in November of 2008. Now, as I re-read and ponder my last rant (yes, I think it does qualify), I can see the raw emotion from the sense of betrayal and arrogance by our elected officials in Washington still present in my words. I hope my note also portrayed the passion behind my convictions and beliefs. Indeed it still courses through my veins. Perhaps you have heard Lord Acton's famous words: Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is where our political landscape is today. Dubya and company had full control from 2001-2007