The Battle For The Soul Of America, Part 3

Well, to keep my Lord of the Rings metaphor alive, now it is time for Americans to make the trek to Mordor (in today's lingo called More of Yours, as in more of your money), and throw the sacred ring into the fires of Mount Doom. It only seems appropriate to think of casting out the lot of sorry sycophants in Washington into a place called Mount Doom. It is where we were headed from the moment the election results poured in back in November of 2008.

Now, as I re-read and ponder my last rant (yes, I think it does qualify), I can see the raw emotion from the sense of betrayal and arrogance by our elected officials in Washington still present in my words. I hope my note also portrayed the passion behind my convictions and beliefs. Indeed it still courses through my veins.

Perhaps you have heard Lord Acton's famous words: Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is where our political landscape is today. Dubya and company had full control from 2001-2007, and even us on the conservative side of the aisle do NOT look fondly upon those years. The Republicans in charge in that timeframe threw taxpayer money around like Adam "PacMan" Jones at a strip club. Now the left and it's more radical, fringe elements are in full control, and they make those guys look frugal. The country is on the brink of economic collapse. It is more corrupt, fractured and divisive than any time since the turmoil of the 1960s and early 70s. In truth, both parties in Washington have shown they care only about themselves, their careers and remaining in power.

I only look to my wife to see what I perceive as the average American voter today. She works hard, she plays by the rules, and really has no interest in politics. She simply would love to trust those we elect into office would be truly representative of the public they serve, and they would honor and uphold the principles of the Constitution. Instead, she reads daily of how they say she doesn't do enough, how she can't succeed without the government's help, and how only if she keeps giving more to those in power, can the country survive. See, she is tired. She is tired of the lies, the corruption, the government's hand perpetually in her wallet, and well, she is tired of being tired. And I am right there with her, except I am angry too.

Angry at a bunch of people who think simply because they attended some artsy-fartsy private college or major university, spent time in the social networking and fundraising crowds and got elected to office that they are somehow more enlightened and intelligent than people who are out in the "real world" trying to realize the American dream, one drop of sweat at a time.

I am hopeful the American people, especially the true backbone of America, the hard working small business owners and average middle-class tax paying citizens, are going to take back their country this fall. They understand the principles of working hard, saving and investing in their future, and getting to enjoy the fruits of their labors. They have grown weary of playing by all the rules, being shrewd, living within their means, and planning for their future, just to see everyone who threw caution to the wind, spent money they didn't have, on stuff they didn't need, simply get bailed out using taxpayer money. They have grown tired of the sense of entitlement so prevalent in our society today.

So, I am going to write some more in the coming weeks on my simple ideas for the future. I may not be an "official" member of the Tea Party Movement, but I sure support the ideas of tossing everyone out of office and trying again with some people who actually understand what America is all about.

We need true patriots. They will be hard to find. You see, virtually every decent, hard-working, person of character worthy of such responsibility is incapable of compromising their principles, selling their soul, and playing all the silly games that go with politics today. To keep my movie analogies alive, we need a Maximus.

In the movie Gladiator when Emperor Marcus Aurelius tells his top general, Maximus, of his plan to pass him the throne so he can return power to the people, and he asks Maximus if he will accept this great honor. Maximus answers, "With all my heart, no." And Marcus Aurelius answers, "That is why it must be you." Indeed. Maximus, I hope you are out there.


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