
Showing posts from July, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law Debate: Analysis

Much ado has been made of Arizona’s recently passed immigration bill. It is set to go into law officially at midnight. The Federal Government is actually suing the state of Arizona to prevent the law from ever going into effect. Having read many editorials and seen news reports of protests and boycotts of Arizona, I decided to take a deeper look into the bill and see what the details are. My research and subsequent notes reveal some interesting tidbits I will share below. Like many political issues, I refuse to believe everything I see and hear on TV and the radio as absolute fact. If I believed everything in the news and popular beliefs of the day: the earth would have been flat for thousands of years, we were all going to die of a new ice age in the 1970s, and Barack Obama is really a bipolar president flipping identities between Lenin and Jesus. Just before I started my own process of research by reading the actual bill, a thought popped into my head which will simply not go aw...

Random Thoughts For The Week

I think bigoted Mel Gibson should be sent to live on a deserted island with the racist Black Panther guy. They deserve each other. I couldn't tell you how many of my friends are Jewish, Black, Hispanic or Caucasian. They are just my friends, period. Racism and bigotry sadly are still rampant in every demographic. As long as it exists, I hope people will still call those fools out, wherever they are. The sun needs to set on them and their archaic beliefs. I think LeBron James wants to win a ring, and good for him choosing his desired location over money. However, the ego involved in spending an hour on TV, flipping off Cleveland is bad form. Just have a press conference in Miami and donate some money to the cause. But, I sense a LOT of new Miami Heat fans. That is my yearly quota of basketball Sorry Cougarific Twilight fans. I just can't understand how a sane adult woman can revert to a simpering female lap puppy over "sparkly" vampire...