Random Thoughts For The Week

I think bigoted Mel Gibson should be sent to live on a deserted island with the racist Black Panther guy. They deserve each other. I couldn't tell you how many of my friends are Jewish, Black, Hispanic or Caucasian. They are just my friends, period. Racism and bigotry sadly are still rampant in every demographic. As long as it exists, I hope people will still call those fools out, wherever they are. The sun needs to set on them and their archaic beliefs.

I think LeBron James wants to win a ring, and good for him choosing his desired location over money. However, the ego involved in spending an hour on TV, flipping off Cleveland is bad form. Just have a press conference in Miami and donate some money to the cause. But, I sense a LOT of new Miami Heat fans. That is my yearly quota of basketball attention...next.

Sorry Cougarific Twilight fans. I just can't understand how a sane adult woman can revert to a simpering female lap puppy over "sparkly" vampires. I just cannot fathom or even consider the notion vampires can go outside when the sun is up. Cloudy or not. Vampires and werewolves should only ever come out at night and sleep during the day. If the Edward dude were cool like Bond, built like an MMA fighter and had the charm of Brad Pitt or George Clooney...and was a normal at night vampire, THEN I could understand it perhaps.

I think the "fad" of facebook is wearing off finally. It is simply becoming a tool now like email and web browsing. Certainly still very popular and such, just a bit more routine now for many. Maybe I am wrong, but I sure don't hear from friends like I used to. We keep in touch, but it is much less personal and more sharing the with community. Amazingly, I think that is sad. I liked the more personal contact and nice long threads on a comment or status.

I think UGA did the exact right thing forcing AD Damon Evans to resign for his DUI arrest, getting caught with a young ladie's panties in his lap (oh yeah, she wasn't his wife either), and then trying to essentially bribe and beg his way out with the cops by dropping his name and title. See ya! And if anyone is interested in my thoughts on Mark Richt, no he is NOT in jeopardy. I would say he is FAR better off now even. UGA needs someone to help steady the ship and right the course and there is no better coach ANYWHERE in college football better qualified to do so. He is going to surprise folks this year and this stupid talk of a hot seat will disappear.

I think UF is going to struggle a bit on the football field this year. They lost a lot of talent, some good coaches, the second coming of Christ (oops Sorry, he is just a Saint and divinely inspired soul). :-) Their schedule is easier, but I think they may disappoint perhaps this year.

I hope BP gets this leak plugged finally. The government has actually not done jack sh*t to plug the hole, just help coordinate cleanup and containment. I hope we are much more careful drilling, but I wonder how many Americans truly realize banning offshore drilling will not prevent this from happening again. How many people realize Russia, China, and other countries are drilling right in the Gulf still? We need to improve the technology, the containment and keep things under tighter control, not stick our heads in the sand. It has been tragic, and we need to ensure more caution. I just don't think we should get all emotional right now and ban it all. It would be an emotional response like the Cleveland Cavalier owner had last night. Go read the sports news if you don't know what I mean. It is a great lesson in "sleeping on it" and not over-reacting and going all emotional and posting things on the internet without thinking.

I think the Arizona law will eventually fall in court. However, I think a majority of Americans support it in principal and want Congress to quit playing personal attack, totally partisan politics and finally do the damn job they were elected to do. Deal with it! I find it ironic that Arizona's law is actually SOFTER than Rhode Island's law, and yet there is no big stink there. Why I wonder? Folks. We need to be rational here. We can't afford our own health care, education and government as US citizens right now, and we sure as hell can't afford to care for the whole world. Help get people here legally nationalized and secure the borders. Meanwhile, figure out how to deal with re-patrioting the others.

I have not read the Democrat online one bit since they began charging $10/month for their news. Tallahassee will soon be on the leading edge of communities with NO local newspaper because I think they will go under within 12-24 months. If they charged $3-5 a month, they might have made it. Many other newspapers are going to have to either figure out the right balance or they too are going to fold.

I think the economy will remain in the crapper for a long time. The Stimulus failed miserably and Obama and Congress have only spent money we don't have to even get us to here. And I have long contended as a student of history and human nature, people may donate to causes, have rallies and their issues, but people by and large vote their wallet. And there are going to be a lot of empty wallets to match all those empty promises. Government programs have never brought about prosperity for the populace. They only serve to keep people AT the poverty line, not overcome it. It takes private sector help to do that. Always....now if only people could learn and understand that simple fact.

I think laughter really is the best medicine. And The Oatmeal, xkcd, Rubes, Dilbert, Sh*t My Dad Says, great YouTube clips like the iPhone 4 parody, and old Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes archives are the greatest.

I think maybe 2 people will read this. I know Donna won't, and I will. So maybe one other...or not. Either way, I like to keep writing. I think God has blessed me with a wonderful family and amazing friends. I thank him for those many, many blessings in my life and hope he sends many blessings your way too.


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