Arguing over half a penny??? And this is progress?

Okay, I sat out a good few topics over the past couple of months, trying to turn some ideas for short stories or more into just that (short stories or more). I have found writing fiction is not as easy as it looks. But, I am making progress. ;-)

However, this week I have seen news headlines talking about the looming shutdown of the federal government and the contentious talks going nowhere. Well, I sure wish the populace of our great country could spare 300 seconds of their lives to educate themselves on the topic and tell ALL of these clowns in Washington to get a freaking clue! I have seen 2, yes two, as in a pair of people out of 535, who get it when it comes to our massive spending problem and the deficit. (Okay, Ron and Rand Paul probably do too, but I have not seen them speaking out on it in the press of late). Congrats Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, you should get a prize for understanding the sheer scope of the problem.

Alright, I will do my part to help people stop for a moment and grasp the sheer lunacy of these ongoing budget negotiations. You elected dolts are bickering over roughly $8 billion in cuts to the current budget, when we are already $1400 billion overspent.

Let me put this in a very simple context. You are at the grocery store. You put everything on your list into the cart. You go to check out. You have $100 in your wallet, and the total comes to $200. How do you resolve this problem? If you are a Congressman, Senator or the President, the answer is: you argue with each other over whether or not to put back a 50 cent pack of gum!!

Hello??!! You are arguing about 0.005% of the budget deficit (the amount you have already spent over what you have)! Dear God, how in the world is our country going to survive if the people in charge have no concept of reality?

Forget arguing about the pack of gum. Try talking about putting back the filet mignon, the wine, the Godiva Chocolates, the Evian water, the fresh ground Columbian Coffee, and everything else we can't afford and go get only what is absolutely necessary to survive, rather than rob money from our children's piggy banks to keep up our current standard of living. Would you really have the gumption to walk into your kids room, break open the piggy bank, take their money to keep living your life the way you think you're entitled to and leave them your credit card statements showing an increasing debt, plus interest (along with a note saying "you take care of this")? I sure hope not, you would be an unfit parent.

We need to cut spending, not $8 billion, but $1400 billion...for starters! We desperately need to pass a balanced budget amendment for the country. People get all up in arms saying Tea Party types are loonies, unreasonable, and totally insane. Sorry, but the only totally insane people are the ones who continue to argue with each other over a half a cent when there are much bigger problems at hand.


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