
Showing posts from June, 2012

Happy Father's Day Pop!

Webster's Dictionary defines father as "a man who has begotten a child."   Amazing how completely and utterly devoid of nearly 99% of the true meaning of the word, the dictionary leaves off.   Indeed, if in our society this is all fathers actually did, we really wouldn't have much of a society or civilization at all.   We all know typically mothers are glue which holds families together, and fathers are more known for playing other roles: handyman, hunter/gatherer, disciplinarian, ATM, or sadly in some cases, absentee parent. How we men learn the role of a father comes not from a book, a class, a college major, a TV show, or through osmosis.   Rather it tends to come from our personal experience with our own fathers.   Our mental recordings, filtered through our own eyes over the years is typically how the framework is provided.      This is where a particular bible verse, which has always resonated deep within my soul when I have read or heard it spok

Some glimmers of hope, in a sea of hate, strife and discontent

For the past year, I have tried to keep my blogs and Facebook posts very light on political discussions and debates.  The world is contentious and divisive enough of late.  There is little room left for discussion anymore it seems.  It went to new heights this week when Joy Behar of The View stated she wished Mitt Romney's house would burn down since he questioned the expansion of public sector employment.  Really? So, your "enlightened view" Ms. Behar is to wish potential death and destruction upon a politician and his family so he might not criticize your viewpoint?  Wow, aren't you the poster child for tolerance and acceptance.  It is little wonder our country is facing a time of crisis and continues to splinter further.  Hate and vitriol are becoming acceptable in the mainstream media.  A civilized people can find a way to communicate and debate topics without having to resort to hate speech and wishing harm on others. But despite this toxic poli