Hopes, Thoughts, Prayers About December 14th

To my fellow Facebook friends, Americans, parents and humans,

Today we are all still processing and coping with the tragedy which took place yesterday afternoon in Connecticut, trying to make sense of the needless tragedy of so many innocent lives which were taken by evil.  Indeed, it is a tragedy any time an innocent life is taken, and those feelings are only heightened when children are involved.  This is not to minimize the adults who were also tragically murdered for trying to save lives yesterday, but whether we will openly admit it or not, when adults are killed it is tragic, when children are killed, it saddens us beyond words, it tears at our soul, and it almost always leads to anger.  Why did this happen?  Why didn't someone do more to stop it? 

Indeed, I wish this were a world where Harry Potter magic could be real, and mere words or incantations could bring about some sense of peace or comfort in these times.  Sadly, there are no words which can ease the grief, the pain, the suffering and the holes in the hearts of those families who have been torn asunder in this horrific tragedy.  We can offer prayers, words of comfort and scripture, and yet nothing we do will ever make this okay or alright.  There are no answers to the whys.

But, as I know some will soon start to turn this into an ideological rally point, an example of why certain things in our society must change to their way of thinking so this never happens again, before that anger which soon will reveal itself in its fully inflamed passions; please take a moment such as our nation did on the evening of September 11, 2001 and ponder your life and the life of your family.  Before the urge to go into the world and tell everyone how they might fix this problem, take a long look inward and reflect upon your own family. 

What I mean is simple: be engaged with them.  Make sure they know how deeply you love and appreciate them.  Don't give into to the routine platitudes and stilted conversations.  I hope parents ask their children how they are doing, and then simply listen.  Not hear...listen to them.  When they are done telling you, hug them, kiss them, embrace them, remind them how important they are in your life.  Turn off the TV, and just "be" for awhile. 

Facebook is so replete with what I commonly refer to as silly social chain letters asking for status likes if you agree.  What I hope to read instead is updates about time spent with loved ones, neat stories of how a simple night of hanging out proved to be rewarding, to remind us how much those families will miss in the coming years. 

Please take time to have empathy for them, and hang on to the empathy when the inevitable vitriol of the world comes calling.  Don't give in to the baited hooks which will await, and retreat into the old habits of political angst and name calling.

To be bluntly political for just a moment, I have long been a pro-life advocate.  I make no friends with this stance, since I know there are always going to be exceptions, which is indefensible to some, and yet others will say I am forcing my personal views on all women.  Truly, by simply stating a personal view, I have done neither.  I hope all women can choose, and I hope those women choose life.  But the ONLY way this will ever happen is if the hearts, minds and souls of all those choosing are drawn to a similar conclusion.  I know in my mind and my soul you cannot force such a belief on everyone, or indeed anyone.  It only breeds resentment and rebellion.  This forthcoming debate on the tragedy will likely follow a similar path to the abortion debate. 

I only hope people can realize, if we are to stop such tragedies again in the future, it will be in the hearts, minds and souls of those who would visit evil upon the world.  I am no fool, I know there will never be a time when evil can truly be vanquished from our world, but it does not mean that we not try. 

Am I just rambling?  Does this even make sense to anyone?  I don't know.  I just know this tragedy has sparked a very deep, profound sadness in our souls and I am not yet sure many have found their voice in response to the darkness which has been thrust upon our world.  I just wanted to take a moment and try to give my voice its opportunity to be heard, even if only by my own eyes and ears.  I think it is important.

I would like to close by asking for folks to continue praying for those families which are broken and hurting.  Please also keep in mind another group of people who will need comfort in the coming days: the men and women who had to enter that building, to try and ensure no more victims needed aid. Please keep those folks who's job it is to visit such a horrific sight and try to document it, gather information, investigate the events which took place and clean up the scene so others will never have to see such a sight.  Those brave folks will need help to cope with the sights they have had to endure and they are so often completely forgotten by society at large. 

So I guess I will close with this, a promise.  I am going to go hug my family, remind them of how much I love them, how much I appreciate them, and log out for a while.  I hope and pray again for all those affected by this, and I pray you and yours can find some peace in the coming days ahead.  Take care and God bless!

Sadly we go about our lives,
in a routine day by day;
going through our paces,
like the lines in a play.

Toss out that script,
and embrace some change;
hug your friend and loved ones,
let them think your strange.

Put down your phones,
quit trying to communicate with text,
have a conversation with a friend or loved one,
you never know what could happen next.


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