The Worst of Humanity Shows Up So Frequently Online

Of the many, many topics I have been pondering and working on drafts for blogging, I saw this story (link: Vitriol Infuses Warren family grief) and decided I had to put those aside a moment and just say a few words about this. 

Our society has known so many benefits from social media and the modern methods of communication, being able to share pictures and video with friends and family so far away almost instantly, the ability to share news and information so quickly, and even the ability to reach many other people you might otherwise never cross paths with in life.  However, there is also a dark side to it.

Some people get caught up in the "make believe" of an online life, some use their virtual pulpit to spew their hated-filled diatribes and rants against those they disagree with, and perhaps most of all for me, the ability to instantly share your thoughts with thousands of people or more doesn't provide people with the additional filter of a time delay so they can think before they act. 

I have seen people I have thought were decent, civil and "together" post things online which simply removed that veil and allowed the world to see them for the very unattractive soul they really are.  Some I am sure are remorseful afterwards, but once a thought enters the cyberworld, it never leaves.  Oh sure, it might get deleted from the screen, but it never, ever goes completely away.

The internet and social media prove to again by like cars, guns and tools; they can be used for good, or bad.  They are things, indifferent to the emotions and thoughts of those who use them. 

But, in the case of Rick Warren's grief over his son who committed suicide, I truly do wish the "friends" of these people who find amusement and a sense of superiority by piling onto the suffering of others would be good stewards of humanity and call them on it. 

If one of my "friends" posted some bit of vile vocabulary virtually about such a thing, they would quickly find themselves under a barrage of constructive criticism and being called on the virtual carpet.  Of course many of these pathetic souls are also cowards, hiding behind anonymous postings and fake accounts to mask their ugliness inside.

Rick Warren lost a child to suicide.  Sadly, many people have known such loss.  Tony Dungy is another renowned person who comes to mind.  Whether you disagree with their theology or not, why can you not find the decency to just shut your virtual mouth and allow for them to grieve in peace? 

You don't like their beliefs?  Fine.  State your case for yours.  You don't like the fact he made some money on selling a book about hope?  Fine.  But did he force the millions of people who bought it to do so at gunpoint?  No.  The people who bought his book did so because they CHOSE to do so.  If you think it was a bad choice, where is your online post about that?  Oh wait, that doesn't give you your 15 seconds of fame does it? 

How sad.  Our society loves to think we are so enlightened now.  Yet it is times like this we prove how far we have to go.  We all have times where we say things we shouldn't, we think things we shouldn't and where we may vehemently disagree with one another (Lord knows I will likely always ruffle feathers), but we can do so without losing the one thing which makes us more than animals-our civility.  Or at least I hope we can.

If you want to believe this earth is all there is, if you want to believe there is no God looking out over his creation, so be it.  We are lucky enough (blessed) to live in such a country.  If you want to believe in your sense of moral superiority to all the world, fine.  Just do us all a favor, and please keep it to yourself.  I doubt the world is lining up to hear your words, share your unique viewpoint on life, or really hear anything you have to say. 

To the Warren family, I hope in time you can find peace, hopefully sooner rather than later.  

Note: Sorry, I did rush this a bit.  I just couldn't not say something...


  1. A keyboard seems to makes people think they are better than others. Good post Grant, well spoken! I like you, wish everyone would think with their hearts,and minds, before speaking.


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