Dante's Inferno (Updated)
I honestly don't know exactly where this idea came from, I think it happened while I was stuck at the red light at Weems and Mahan for the 37,894,434th time in 37,894,436 times trying to go through the intersection. The city of Tallahassee traffic engineering office simply cannot program this light to work in sequence with rush hour traffic period. Or any hour traffic really. Anyhow, I digress, I had this crazy idea to update Dante's Inferno for new 21st century sins and trespasses of life. So, I did. I sat down, tried to think them through and I changed a few around the way I would if I were dreaming it up, which I was in a way. I left only 1 open for now, I need to ponder that one more. If anyone wants to tweak the ideas or add one of their own, feel free. I just needed to do some writing exercises and this flowed easily from brain to the virtual page. It is a first draft, so forgive me if it isn't the best. I just thought ...