One Guy's 2014 Resolutions (No unrealistic fitness/nutrition goals here)

As this year winds down, and I for one will not be sad to see 2013 in the rearview mirror, a new year once again offers the chance for such promise, for a year better than the one just past, and the opportunity to better ourselves, the lives of others and the world as a whole.  Many resolutions will be made, and most of them will be self-centric (things like losing weight and being more fit come to mind).  Indeed, I saw someone once proclaim January 1 as National Unrealistic Fitness and Weight Loss Expectations Day.  By and large, these are good ideals and certainly as always, I will hope all of my friends who make such resolutions are able to attain their goals in 2014. 

But most of our resolutions don't address the world as a whole, or even our community.  Probably because we all feel we are just one person, just one voice and in a country of over 300 million, well, what real difference can we hope to make?  Well, it all starts somewhere, so I am going to start off 2014 making some resolutions to myself about fitness and nutrition (hopefully not unrealistic ones), but more than that, I am going to make some resolutions to my community and also send some hopes for 2014 out into the world.  It may all be wasted virtual letters in an online post, but why not try to strive for something more in 2014.  So, here is my feeble attempt at starting a new kind of resolutions schtick for 2014!

I resolve to focus more on doing the right thing than simply being right. 

I also hope our culture can achieve such an ideal too, because the world is so full of people who are consumed with the latter, they forget (or ignore) the former.  There are times we are all guilty of this in some way, lets just hope in 2014 it is far less.

I resolve to spend some time reading an opposing viewpoint on an important subject in 2014, or to seek out some folks who have different views than mine and try and have an honest discussion on the topic. 
The only thing worse than being wrong is being wrong and a lemming (just blindly going along with the pack and not even making an effort to be informed).  After all, if I am right, what good is it just talking to people who think the same as me?  If there are people with an opposing viewpoint on an issue I am right about, doesn't it make sense to engage them in conversation (not contentious debate or political vitriol)?

I resolve to tell more people how much I appreciate them, value them and when applicable, love them. 
I am not the most "positive" of people I am told (often, very often in fact), but I do resolve I will express gratitude and appreciation even more in 2014.  Several years ago I made the consicious decision to try and thank everyone by name when possible.  When in a store, or being waited on, I try to always do so by using their name, so in 2014 I will try to not only do that, but I will try to get more smiles and make more light-hearted comments too.  I would say I resolve to be more positive, but I am more likely to lose 50 pounds than become Stuart Smalley meets Dr. Phil.  Maybe the end result will be a more "positive" me.  Maybe...

I resolve to listen to Jim Valvano's 1993 ESPY Speech again. 
It is so genuine and true I think it is good to listen to it every year.  "To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day."

I resolve to continue to spread the word regarding the loss of privacy. 
I don't view Edward Snowden as a hero, he isn't.  He crossed the line by miles.  But, he has at least brought the much needed discussion of privacy to the forefront.  In 2014, I hope people will be more proactive in taking back personal privacy, and I resolve to do my part in helping to spur the discussion along, helping spread the word over how little personal privacy there is, and why people should care. 

Okay, there are my five (extra) resolutions/hopes beyond the self-centric ones I have made to myself.  I hope I am able to attain them in 2014 and hopefully posting them will at least make me a bit more accountable towards seeing them through. Whatever your resolutions, wishes and hopes for are in 2014, I wish you the very best of luck in achieving/exceeding them.  Have a Happy New Year, and may 2014 be the best year yet!


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