
Showing posts from 2015

Writing Sample: A sample chapter

I have not kept it a secret, nor have I broadcast into the world my ongoing attempt to write a novel.  I have actually had 4-5 ideas for stories/books/novels and I am still sitting on them.  The one which seemed most persistent in my thoughts has been the one I am going on my 20th month of working on.  I have read a few books on writing and from time to time I have hit walls.  The outline covers beginning to end, but at times I am still struggling with the parts in between.  I simply thought I would share a chapter and see what the feedback was.  This particular chapter provides a more detailed introduction to one of my main characters in the story.  This book is Science Fiction.  The events here take place on another planet called Vasparia.  A world similar to Earth, a bit more technologically developed.    Also, I would be tempted to say be kind, but in all honesty, I want real feedback.  I am happy with this.  I am sure in the rewrites it will change, but for a first draft, I felt

The Problems In Youth Sports and the Quest of Two Professionals To Fix It

"Sports should be about kids and their passion, not about parents and their goals. We love our kids so much, we want to map out their futures for them so early. For so many, a college (athletic) scholarship is their definition of success. That’s sick thinking, and unfortunately, it’s contagious.” - Mike Matheny, Manager St. Louis Cardinals He is so right.  I see kids being pushed and pushed.  Some kids playing a sport year round.   Some parents are behaving like a mix between prison inmates and wardens in a prison; yelling at their kids, the refs, even coaches at sports played by children, even as young as 6-8 years of age.   It’s a game.   It’s supposed to be a game.   It is not for a parent’s self-esteem or narcissism.   It isn’t the child’s responsibility to fulfill the parent’s lost dreams.   Yet sadly in so many cases, this is exactly what is happening. We are taking the recreation out of it.   It is supposed to be something fun in which children learn the skills o

Frustration Over Our Decaying Sense of Civility

Like many, I truly enjoy the words of encouragement, great quotes, scripture, interesting tidbits of history, and pictures of my friends and their families online. What I find much more troubling and much more aggravating (and much more prevalent these past few years), is how dismissive and condescending so many people are online when a person shares an honest belief, thought, philosophy or viewpoint which is not shared by all their friends. Politics and Religion are the gr eatest examples of this.  It takes a good bit of faith these days to post your beliefs for all the world of Facebook (or another online forum) to see. It may not quite be the same level of trust and intimacy of sharing your birthday suit with someone, but sharing your deeply held personal beliefs and convictions is indeed inviting people to see your inner most self. Sadly so many take the opportunity to repay that level of authenticity, honesty and openness by shredding people's souls and que

25 Years?! Where did it all begin?

Have you ever sat and wondered, how did I get here?   I am not referring to the walking you did, to reach the chair where you sat, and then the mouse you clicked (or phone button you pushed) to get to this page.   But rather, what are some of life's seemingly little random events, each of which happened to go (and quite honestly, had to go) a certain way, in a certain order, all to arrive at this exact moment in your life.   I imagine very few take the time to ponder these deep questions.   Maybe philosophy majors or deep spiritual thinkers might, but rarely I imagine does the everyday man or woman seriously give 1 minute of thought to such a question.   Well, this week will mark my 25th wedding anniversary to my soul mate, my best friend, my better half, and the owner of the beautiful face I get to awaken beside every morning; my wife, Donna.   Indeed the "silver" anniversary marks the passage of some significant time. Yet, despite the passage of all that time,

Rest Well Stuart Scott

I never met, nor knew Stuart Scott personally. Like many sports fans, I came to know him through his various ESPN gigs and his more 'hip' style of commentary and reporting ("Boo-yah" and "As cool as the other side of the pillow" are classics which everyone knows). Making a connection with someone through a TV screen is a difficult task for even accomplished actors, and yet Stuart found a way to connect with millions. So, like many today, it made my heart heavy this morning to hear of his demise in his 3-round fight with cancer. Just like Jimmy Valvano, Stuart brought a graceful elegance combined with an absolutely fierce determination to beat back the insidious disease taking his life slowly from him. Those souls are rare. Sure there are thousands who fight just as hard, I am not seeking to in any way diminish their efforts, but rarely does someone get a public platform to share their fight with the world, and in turn inspire many hundre