
Showing posts from January, 2017

We must make our voices heard: Immigration

Sigh, just when you thought things might work out, you sought to assure people things under the DuhNold would be okay, we get a very ill advised, rushed, and knee-jerk immigration executive order which is making America NOT so great again.   While I certainly understand and indeed share a desire to ensure immigrants and refugees coming to America are properly vetted, this policy flies in the face of what our Founding Fathers intended.    We as citizens cannot tolerate an executive order which bars rightfully documented and vetted visitors and citizens from coming or returning to the United States.   Period.   We cannot stop green-card bearing travelers from returning to their home, the one they chose to make in America and we decided to grant.   To have so sweepingly implemented such a policy via an executive order and not through legislation and debate seems more “Making America be UnAmerican” more than Making America great again. Truth is, I loathed the previous admi