We must make our voices heard: Immigration
Sigh, just when you thought things might work out, you
sought to assure people things under the DuhNold would be okay, we get a very
ill advised, rushed, and knee-jerk immigration executive order which is making
America NOT so great again. While I
certainly understand and indeed share a desire to ensure immigrants and
refugees coming to America are properly vetted, this policy flies in the face
of what our Founding Fathers intended.
We as citizens cannot tolerate an executive order which bars
rightfully documented and vetted visitors and citizens from coming or returning
to the United States. Period. We cannot stop green-card bearing travelers
from returning to their home, the one they chose to make in America and we
decided to grant.
To have so sweepingly implemented such a policy via an
executive order and not through legislation and debate seems more “Making
America be UnAmerican” more than Making America great again.
Truth is, I loathed the previous administration’s love
affair with executive orders. We don’t
live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.
There are rules which must be followed, or at least in every previous administration,
both left and right leaning, they were.
Get out of line and the other two branches of government would shut it
down. Suddenly, it seems like our
leaders don’t lead, they dictate. That
is seriously wrong and we should demand it be fixed regardless of your
political leanings!
I am sending letters to my Congressman and my senators,
because once again, I see an issue with many, many layers of complexity reduced
to all black and all white, Jesus or Lucifer, freedom itself or Hitler-like
extermination and nothing in between topic and it simply isn’t so clear. As I have learned in my 49 years on this
earth, the reality of what is best, what should be and the reality of the
situation is this: it is all gray (in between the two).
Our elected leaders must choose to listen to the entire
chorus of American voices and cull the best ideas for solving the problem, not
just permit knee-jerk reactions to situations.
We need a thoughtful solution to a very big problem now, but we need a
policy which can be shaped into what we need for the rest of the century as
well, not the next 6 months.
To me at least, America is a shining beacon on top of the
hill of a lost world, a world sadly replete with darkness. It is a bastion of hope and freedom where one
can pursue their dreams of a better life for themselves and more importantly,
their children. It is no wonder so many
people want to live here and pursue the American Dream.
Now comes the hard part we must also accept: unfortunately
America is not big enough for every human being on planet earth to live
here. Some level of determination as to
who can and who cannot be admitted to the country must be made. It should not however have anything to do
with your skin color, your country of origin or simply your religious
beliefs. We must look a little deeper
and therein is the real crux of the legitimate
immigration debate.
Those who pursue a path of oppression, exploitation, fraud, corruption,
chaos and the like are NOT welcome here.
Furthermore, there are lots of people
ill-suited to survive and thrive in America.
You cannot casually dismiss those facts and have an intelligent
discussion on the issue any more than you just say all people from ____ country
are bad.
But one thing is crystal clear, we MUST have
We need a constant infusion of drive, intellect, ambition,
creativity, hard work, and people working to make the world a better place for
their families. It is a balance which
has to be achieved in order for America to remain the world leader, and in fact
is a big part of how America came to be as great as it is.
Now, we cannot have honest debate without acknowledging what
has been noticeable for the past few years where unfettered immigration has
taken place in Europe. European nations have taken in hundreds of thousands of
immigrants and refugees in the past decade and they are encountering the kinds
of issues which show the risks of such a wide open policy: higher crime rates in
those areas, more terror-related incidents, and a drain on the public
resources. There is a very real unrest
in their political power structure, with many of the leaders who embraced an
open door policy on the verge of being shown the door by voters.
Showing the good which comes from an influx of new citizens
is not something which appears on the nightly news and is not something easily
understood by a population which derives much of its news sadly from comedy
shows and social media, both places infested with fake news. There is a world of good which comes from immigration. Google, eBay, Yahoo are all companies founded
by immigrants. The ATM machine, rechargeable
batteries, Microsoft Word & Excel, LASIK eye surgery, and HDTV (just to
name a few) all came about thanks to immigrants!
To me at least, perhaps just a misguided American voter, the
one real key to immigration and granting refugees a place to live is simple:
assimilation. Those coming to America
cannot live under the laws of their previous country. They cannot keep Sharia Law or the equivalent
they might have followed in their previous land, they must agree to abide by
the laws of our nation. They must strive
to learn the laws and expectations of being an American citizen. Also we have to be sure they will be able to
support themselves once admitted.
Bringing in people who might not have job skills sought for
by the market here in the States means either they will have to be trained (and
be able to be trained) or else they risk being reconciled to the lower economic
rung on the ladder and the subsequent higher crime, more difficult chances of success
that brings. You could make the argument
in some cases, immigrants would be better suited migrating to a country more in
need of their particular set of skills.
Now we are venturing into foreign affairs. This too is a complex issue which requires
the best among our elected officials to help craft a working, sustainable policy
which might help other nations become a destination country for people well
suited to live there, and to do so hopefully in a free and open society.
I have prattled on far too long, although this issue does
take more than a few paragraphs to properly discuss. So, please write to your elected
representatives. Call them. Let them know you support immigration. Let them know you support rules on it which
derive from logic and not emotion. Make
sure they know you don’t support simply banning travel from X just because, and
you also don’t support just letting everyone into the country either.
One final thought, do you think a person living in ____
(insert country of your choice here) should view all Americans as the
same? Just take a look sometime at the
lines at Disney or someplace similar.
Are all American families in the line just the same? Do they all share the same political views,
religious beliefs, parenting philosophies, lifetime goals, or even
background? Heck no. So don’t just assume everyone from elsewhere has
the same everything. Now, please if you
bothered to read this, go write, call or email your elected leaders in
Washington. This time, it is important!
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