
Showing posts from 2019

2019 NFL Draft speculation

Here we are just days away from the 2019 NFL Draft and there is so much uncertainty and precious few things we can really count on.  I have had some luck through the years, but admit I watched less college ball in 2018 than in years past.  I didn't enjoy seeing FSU play much at all and the overall lack of quality QB play really made it tough to sit and take in a lot of games. Nevertheless, it is a tradition.  It appears I am better at predicting busts than stars, but who wants to hear about the next Manziel, Tebow, EJ Manuel, Locker or Freeman busts?  I hit on Jameis and Mariotta so far being mediocre and likely disappointing overall, but only the Wentz pick to be great looks solid in the past 4 years.  The jury is still out on Mayfield, as even last year I said he would be the first to start and thought he would do well, but couldn't be sure.  Anyhow, here are the 2019 predictions so I can look back in 2-3 years and go...what were you thinking? I am squarely in the camp

Trying to Broach the Social Media Void of Indifference, Intolerance and Non-Engagement about our Current Cultural and Political Climate

After seeing how little people engage in much political or cultural discussion and debate over the past 2 years since 2016, I found myself wondering why.  Was it uninteresting banter?  Was it due to a fear of trolls?  Was it an unwillingness to put yourselves at risk of friends or family taking offense to a potential comment? I don't really KNOW the answer, but I imagine it is some of that and a variety of other issues.  However, I am a believer we have to learn to re-engage one another on a platform of respect, civility and true openness to counter the effects of our divisive media, the divisive culture of intolerance from online forums and sadly college campuses, and make the family discussion around the dinner table a real thing again.   Anyhow, I have been reading articles, blogs, posts, books and listen to podcasts these past few months looking for those valuable nuggets of truth and ideas for trying to engender the kinds of conversations I want people to have again on t