
Showing posts from March, 2009

Spring: The Season of New Life, New Hope, Dreams and Wishful Thinking for Baseball Fans

Spring officially began March 21. However, for baseball fans the world over, and I myself am one of those, it actually began when pitchers and catchers reported to major league camps at the end of February. The 4 weeks of Spring Training are a great time for true red-blooded American baseball fans to delude themselves into believing their teams have a chance to win it all this year. Okay, if you are a cookie cutter Yankee or Red Sox fan, you don't really count anymore. But the rest of us, we see hope in the arm of a 32-year journeyman pitcher who is now joining his 6th team in 8 years and has had 3 good outings against the 'B' teams in early March. We hope for the improbable, we have faith in those who have let us down before, and we can dream bigger than Walt Disney. Personally, I grew up as a Phillies fan from 1974 to present. There were no teams in FL back then, and some clown named Ted Turner owned the Braves. Eventually the Braves grew respectable, but the other

Battlestar Galactica: The Best Frakkin Show on TV

As I sit to write my first non-serious (well less serious) blog in quite awhile, I find myself disappointed the last BSG episode will be airing in less than 72 hours. Ever since 1987, when Star Trek: The Next Generation went on the air, I have ALWAYS had a Sci Fi themed show to watch year in and year out. TNG, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise from the Star Trek franchise; Quantum Leap, Sliders (for the first few seasons at least), The 4400, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and of course, BSG. My love of Sci Fi will come as a shock to no one who even vaguely knows me, as it has been my favorite genre since my first glimpses of television as a child. But not all Sci Fi is good. Some of it is downright awful. However, what sets the shows above apart from all the others (Sci Fi and mainstream) is so simple to understand. Writing, really amazing writing, which emphasizes character development and the everyday challenges we face. It leverages a make believe universe to tell a story an

What Will We Know Tomorrow?

When choosing what topic to write about, I must admit my mind wanders over the entire spectrum. Religion, Sports, Church, Politics, Relationships, Technology, Current Events, get the idea. Anyway, as usual it began in the simplest of ways.I recently heard a line in a movie, an older movie, which got the ball rolling. It seems only fitting to begin there. "Two thousand years ago we "knew" Earth was the center of the universe, 500 years ago we "knew" the Earth was flat, imagine what we will "know" tomorrow." When I heard that line again, my mind immediately locked in on the issue of Global Warming. In reviewing some material on the topic, I came across another great quote which tied in my thoughts as well. “Nothing is so firmly believed as that which least is known.” Those words were written by French author Michel de Montaigne, in the 16th century. Did you know in the 1970s, we were facing a Global Cooling, another Ice Age? T