What Will We Know Tomorrow?

When choosing what topic to write about, I must admit my mind wanders over the entire spectrum. Religion, Sports, Church, Politics, Relationships, Technology, Current Events, History...you get the idea. Anyway, as usual it began in the simplest of ways.I recently heard a line in a movie, an older movie, which got the ball rolling. It seems only fitting to begin there.

"Two thousand years ago we "knew" Earth was the center of the universe, 500 years ago we "knew" the Earth was flat, imagine what we will "know" tomorrow." When I heard that line again, my mind immediately locked in on the issue of Global Warming. In reviewing some material on the topic, I came across another great quote which tied in my thoughts as well. “Nothing is so firmly believed as that which least is known.” Those words were written by French author Michel de Montaigne, in the 16th century.

Did you know in the 1970s, we were facing a Global Cooling, another Ice Age? The New York Times (Aug. 14, 1975) saw “many signs” that “Earth may be heading for another ice age.” Science magazine (Dec. 10, 1976) warned about “extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation.” “Continued rapid cooling of the Earth” (GlobalEcology, 1971) could herald “a full-blown 10,000 year ice age” (Science, March 1, 1975).

Did you know in December of 2006, The Weather Channel’s Heidi Cullen argued in her blog that weathercasters who had doubts about human influence on global warming should be punished with decertification by the American Meteorological Society? (Wow, how is that for drowning out any other opinions?) I am reminded of a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "We have found a witch, may we burn her?" I am picturing the voices of dissent in
Tiananmen Square being gunned down for daring to protest the status quo.

To help illustrate my eventual opinion and conclusion, I want to point out another time when science had it all figured out. Nearly 100 years ago, there was another theory in science. The issue pointed to an impending crisis, and it too offered a solution to the problem. It's supporters and proponents included Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosenvelt, author H.G. Wells, inventor Alexander Graham Bell, Leland Stanford, the founder of Standford University. It's most famous, or rather infamous proponent and practitioner was Adolf Hitler. It was called Eugenics. Michael Crichton wrote an outstanding essay on the topic which you can read at http://www.crichton-official.com/essay-stateoffear-whypoliticizedscienceisdangerous.html.

I point this out simply as a reminder, science is great, but like any issue, there are two sides (or more). People need to carefully consider ALL the views, all the data available, ask questions and make their own INFORMED decisions. Don't let the general consensus or those few voices on TV tell you what to think.

Where do you fit on the issue of global warming? Well, at this moment, I am of the opinion Global Warming is at best a completely unproven hypothesis, or at worst pure science fiction. Many of my friends and others may wonder, how can anyone think this? I thought global warming was a fact. Well, many very smart people devoted to the study of climatology, earth science, ecosystems, and other "earth sciences" are split on the issue. What? How can anyone doubt the threat to the planet? Did you know the founder of the Weather Channel calls it all "the fraud of global warming" and he advocated suing sellers of "carbon credits" for fraud, including former Vice President Al Gore?

Truthfully, nobody really knows how much of the recent warming trend is man-made or a naturally occurring phenomenon. Global Warming may be occurring,
but actually owe nothing to mankind for it's effects. I would love to see a study of the issue which takes into account the sun's activity during this period. Is it possible sunspots are triggering some of these changes? Is Mars or any of the other planets in our solar system experiencing a changing environment? No, I am not a scientist either. I took some classes in meteorology, earth science, physics, and space science. But, I am dedicated to determining my own opinions. Right or wrong.

So, my hope is you will decide for yourself, after you have heard both sides of the debate, and don't let the mainstream lazy nitwits passing as journalists today decide for you.

And check out how much Mr. Gore is doing to help the environment (from a mainstream source no less), living in 3 homes, one over 10,000 square feet, with 20 rooms and 8 bathrooms, flying private jets to promote his work, and in two of his homes he can offer to use wind-powered utilities for just pennies extra per kilowatt hour, and he does not. My friends, look behind the curtain.



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