More Insight Into The Conservative/Tea Party Mind

This will not be one of my usual blogs. I just had a thought about something and decided to jot it down quickly before it got washed away by an afternoon of college football.

Why are we Conservative, Tea Party types so upset over the Health Care debate and runaway spending? There are many reasons, but here is one very large one to consider.

Why are people inside Washington so clueless?

Do you know George Bush (41) had no idea about bar code scanners in checkout lines at grocery and other retail stores? He had absolutely no idea such a thing existed. Do you think Bill Clinton ever had to run out at 9pm to get Chelsea some cold medicine because they had run out of Nyquil? Has Nancy Pelosi ever had to check a bag through when she has flown on an airplane? When was the last time "W" went to the grocery store and saw the prices of food? Do you really think Harry Reid pumps his own gas? When was the last time Barrack Obama actually bought a car at a dealership?

Think about nearly any everyday situation you face, especially a situation where you had to wait until you had the money to be able to buy what you needed or wanted. Now understand, NOBODY in Washington has any idea of that concept. Period. You would have better luck teaching the game of baseball to a space alien than getting anyone in the beltway to understand the concept of fiscal restraint and reality.

It is truly amazing to see how they throw numbers like $1 Trillion like it is Monopoly money. Reason being, to them it is Monopoly money. They are the government, and they have a monopoly. Those in Congress and the White House don't actually balance a checkbook. They have people, who know people, who do that.

It infuriates many of us responsible taxpayers, who follow the rules, who pay our taxes AND our bills on time, who have to do without sometimes so that our kids don't have to, watch a bunch of rich, clueless elitists wastefully spend our children's future to build a museum for TuPAc, build the infamous Bridge to Nowhere, or these great examples from the stimulus package:

* A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.

* $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (if there won't be any Artic ice due to global warming, why do we need this?)

* $800,000 for little-used John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pennsylvania airport to repave a back-up runway; the “airport for nobody” has already received tens of millions in taxpayer dollars.

* Town of Union, New York, encouraged to spend a $578,000 grant it did not request for a homelessness problem it claims it does not have.

* Road signs costing $300 each are being placed at construction sites to alert motorists that the project is being paid for by stimulus money. In Illinois alone, the signs are expected to cost $150,000, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).

So, when you start talking about "trusting" these people to design and maintain our health care system, and to do so "cheaper" than the current system, you can see why some of us have issues.

Okay, I promised a short note. So, there it is.


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