
Showing posts from January, 2010

Another View on the State of Our Union

Last night, President Barrack Obama gave his "State of the Union" address. While I vehemently disagree with many of the man's policies and strategies for our country, he does understand the art of speech. Honestly, I think it is the one time he is in his element: talking, especially about change. He hit on a few key points and I think they bear repeating, as they do get to the root of America's woes. In his speech he said "We face more than a deficit of dollars right now, we face a deficit of trust - deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years." Indeed. Democrat or Republican, you have to admit DING, DING, DING...we have a winner. However, what President Obama fails to understand, is that he is part of the problem. He got elected primarily thanks to a message of 2 words: hope and change. Sadly, he has failed to deliver on either one really, although you could make a strong argument that his sinking

Interesting Tidbits For The Mind

The average American child will spend over 14,000 hours being educated in the public school system, and the average American parent spends less than 6 hours during those 13 years researching the platforms, beliefs and policies of the people who run for School Board positions, the people who decide public school policy at the local level. The average American child between the ages of 2 and 11 spends nearly 30 hours a week watching television (or over 1500 hours a year), and less than 300 hours reading books. Studies show these kids are more likely to be overweight and other ailments, including difficulty in speech development and cognitive development. The average American produces 4.5 pounds of garbage a day. In 1980, the average major league baseball player made $143,000. In 2009, the average salary was $3,150,000. If the same salary growth trend continues, in the year 2038, the average baseball player will earn $69.4 million per year. In contrast, the average starting school teacher