Interesting Tidbits For The Mind

The average American child will spend over 14,000 hours being educated in the public school system, and the average American parent spends less than 6 hours during those 13 years researching the platforms, beliefs and policies of the people who run for School Board positions, the people who decide public school policy at the local level.

The average American child between the ages of 2 and 11 spends nearly 30 hours a week watching television (or over 1500 hours a year), and less than 300 hours reading books. Studies show these kids are more likely to be overweight and other ailments, including difficulty in speech development and cognitive development.

The average American produces 4.5 pounds of garbage a day.

In 1980, the average major league baseball player made $143,000. In 2009, the average salary was $3,150,000. If the same salary growth trend continues, in the year 2038, the average baseball player will earn $69.4 million per year. In contrast, the average starting school teacher made just under $22000 in 1980, and in 2008 just over $33000.

Since Al Gore declared in September 2005 that global warming would lead to an alarming increase in the number of hurricanes, and especially more damaging Katrina-like megastorms, some interesting facts to digest. We just completed the 2009 season, with only nine named storms in the Atlantic, and none which reached US shores with hurricane force winds. In fact (in the Atlantic), in the years 2002-2005 there were 71 named storms and 35 hurricanes. From 2006-09, there were 50 named storms, and 22 hurricanes.

The average human breathes 17,280 times a day.

In 1980, the total U.S. national debt was $909 billion. The 2009 contribution to the national debt alone is over $1 trillion. Or in other terms, in ONE year, the US government ran up more debt than in the first 204 years of our country's existence. Who owns our debt? The Chinese and Japanese central banks own over 44% of our debt.

The computing power used to make the movie Avatar consisted of 40,000 processors along with 104 terabytes of memory using 10 GB networking adapters. The computers processing up to 1.4 million tasks per day to render the movie, which consisted of processing 8 gigabytes of data per second running 24 hours for over a month. To compare, the space shuttle runs on a computer system utilizing less than 1 megabyte of RAM. The difference: Roughly 111,669,149,696. And that is only if you round UP the space shuttle's numbers.

Americans consume over 38 million hamburgers a day.

The incoming college freshman in the class of 2012 never knew the Soviet Union, as it had already been dissolved by then. Ditto the Berlin Wall. They did not know Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show. There has always been a Planet Hollywood, but M*A*S*H was already "old" by the time they were born. The internet has existed longer than they have. Bobby Bowden was the Head Coach at FSU over twice as long as they have been alive.

Just something to think about today. Maybe.


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