Another View on the State of Our Union

Last night, President Barrack Obama gave his "State of the Union" address. While I vehemently disagree with many of the man's policies and strategies for our country, he does understand the art of speech. Honestly, I think it is the one time he is in his element: talking, especially about change. He hit on a few key points and I think they bear repeating, as they do get to the root of America's woes.

In his speech he said "We face more than a deficit of dollars right now, we face a deficit of trust - deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years." Indeed. Democrat or Republican, you have to admit DING, DING, DING...we have a winner.

However, what President Obama fails to understand, is that he is part of the problem. He got elected primarily thanks to a message of 2 words: hope and change. Sadly, he has failed to deliver on either one really, although you could make a strong argument that his sinking our grandchildren into debt for their foreseeable lifetime is indeed change: at least previous administrations and congresses had only saddled the current generation with an enormous debt to pay.

You see, Americans need to honestly assess where we are as a country. Are we really living together as the "United States of America" or more as the Competing Special Interests of America? Are more people living a better life and the American dream today than even 12 months ago when President Obama took office, or are more living the American nightmare of debt, joblessness and despair? Since he has been in office, nearly 4 million more American jobs have been lost.

Where are we as a country under the complete (national) control of the Democratic Party in government? Sinking, that is where. Sinking deeper in debt, sinking longer in a recession, and sinking most of our nation's hopes for the future in a man who sees America as the problem and not as part of the solution. He literally bows to the leaders of countries who own our debt, apologizes to our nation's enemies and rivals for our 'attitude' towards the world in previous years, and treats the American taxpayer as his administration's own ATM.

I know I am not alone in this viewpoint, because I saw a small-time Republican state senator (who campaigned in his pickup truck because he didn't have a $760 million warchest like Barrack Obama did in 2008), get elected to the same Senate seat which had essentially been the personal property of the Kennedy family and the Democratic Party since 1952. The voters of Taxachusetts realized what this vote meant. One of the most solid Democratic states in the union, went red rather than continue to drink the flat Kool Aid of hope and change offered by Oprah's choice for President.

Truly now more than ever, America needs hope, and certainly change in the trends we have seen. We need to bring balance and unity back into the equation. Balance in our budgets and unity in our vision. I said in October of 2008 whoever won the election would be in office for only one term. I believed it then, I certainly believe it now. History said so, the economy said so, and soon I believe America will say so.

For now, I will close saying there is more to come, and I hope mine is but one voice in a chorus of many.


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