Leon County Schools Budget Cuts: Email and Letters Slashed, Parents Asked to Use Telepathy and Gossip
Much has been made in the news the past few days about the pending budget cuts in the Leon County School System. Sadly, it appears the effects of these cuts may already be taking place. Apparently, the school can no longer afford e-mail or letters to parents. How do I know? Well, here you go. A member of the staff at Swift Creek Middle School solicited sex from a student of the school. When the student reported this to the administration, the person was removed from the grounds while the investigation continued. This happened on May 6th. Some 11 days later, when the investigation revealed sufficient evidence to arrest the perpetrator, the Leon County School Board terminated the staff member's employment. So far, so good. However, even as I type this note, over a week after his arrest on the charges of soliciting sex from a student, the school STILL has not notified the parents in any way. This honestly isn't even vaguely excusable. This isn't the CIA covering ...