The Bin Laden Reaction, Reaction

I have seen so many varied reactions since the news broke on Sunday evening that UBL (or OBL) had been killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan. In Philadelphia, the crowd watching an extra innings game between the Phillies and Mets began to get Tweets, texts and emails about the news. Spontaneously the crowd began chanting," USA! USA!" I am sure there were some very confused players on the field at that moment. Until, they heard the news, then the chills broke out.

Outside the White House and in other key areas in several cities, parties broke out. People waved flags and danced in the streets. Surely some, in the quiet and privacy of their homes, cried. To those who lost loved ones on that horrific day of 9/11, perhaps it provided a sense of closure.

For me personally, I did not dance. I did not cry. I simply prayed once again for those who have suffered as a result of the pure evil and hatred that man spewed forth into the world. I prayed for those who have spent years hunting and searching for him and his band of hatemongers. The families here at home, who are missing loved ones as they are continuing to hunt for others who seek to bring the shroud of darkness over the world in the form of terror. And then I thanked all of those who worked to bring this day forth. Not outloud, again in the silence of prayer. Finally, the wit began to kick in. It is simply my way.

You see, UBL is the Hitler of our generation. This is why so many celebrated. Sadly, plenty of others who have murdered thousands. However, this is the one evil bastard who PROUDLY proclaimed he wanted to murder more. Anyone who opposed his warped sense of the world. His hate has touched multiple generations. I will never forget 9/11, ever. My children have vague memories, but realize they have never known a world where airliners crashed only by accident.

Some have even expressed sadness or disappointment in their fellow Americans for being too overzealous in their "celebration of death". Don't give those who would hate America another reason to do so some have said. Don't celebrate death. Personally, I think most of those celebrating so openly were not celebrating death as much as they were celebrating justice. There is no moral high ground here. It is good to remind everyone of the wisdom of Martin Luther King, and to remember the eyes of the world remain upon us.

For nearly a decade, our nation has seen a seismic shift in our pysche. We look at the world now with a sense of wonder, but also with a dose of suspicion. For one brief moment, ALL Americans can now let out a collective sigh, and react to the events in our own unique way. After all, we have the freedom to do so. Because we do seek to balance the scales of justice. Because so many selfless people continue the good fight against those who want to extinguish the light of freedom America shines upon the rest of the world.

In closing, to all of you who played a part, not only in this operation, but in ANY operation since 9/11 which has helped make our world a safer place, thank you. There is no doubt this morning, the world is a safer place because the greatest architect of hatred our generation has known is no more. And for that, I am very grateful.


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