
Showing posts from July, 2012

Thoughts About The Chick-Fil-A Litmus Test and Civilized Discourse

After all the hubbub this week online about Chick-Fil-A, I am left wondering: Why do so many in the world today have so much contempt, angst, or disdain for those who think and feel differently than them?  Especially people we supposedly consider "friends" online? I am continually amazed at how open and honest debate and discussion have been shoved aside by our modern culture, it is all about absolutes now.  Once upon a time we celebrated our differences, and worked at getting along together.  I read some of the most belligerent and uncivilized banter this week online, from every corner. I did see some intelligent discussions included too, so perhaps there is hope still. I know I have certain issues which are outright passions of mine, and I will certainly defend my beliefs and give voice to my thoughts whenever I feel so compelled.  I have never wished ill well on someone's family, but I cannot say I have never had that happen to me.  During the healt

What I Did On My Summer Vacation, 2012 Edition

It is hard in today's world to slow things down and turn off all the constant noise in our lives.  The only way to learn to listen to one's soul is to shut off the noise, get away from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life and just relax.  There is nothing like peace and quiet for helping you to learn to hear what your soul is telling you. So, where can one go to find such peace and quiet?  A place where cell phones don't work and there is very little technology to clutter your life?  We returned to our favorite such place this summer, the Red Horse Mountain Ranch in Harrison, Idaho.  Your first clue is Harrison, ID.  It is a small town on Couer d'Alene Lake, too small to even have it's own gas station.  To get to the ranch, one flies to Spokane, Washington and embarks on a scenic 100-minute drive down I-90 and Idaho 97 just to get close.  The last few miles of road are not even paved.  This is how one gets away. As you arrive at the entrance t