Random Life, the Universe, or Miscellaneous Questions

I had been intending to blog about a specific topic, but so far, I have been unable to really get to where I want to be on it before I post anything, so as a writing exercise which might possibly generate one comment from someone, somewhere, I thought I would take some random questions, discussions and such I have seen online over the years, or heard people wonder about before and just post some of the questions here with my answers to them.  I would welcome other's answers, it could be fun and informative.  However, since readership is likely to be miniscule, I will just enjoy the writing exercise and anything else is gravy.  I did put a real eye opener in here, so, let's see what we get.

What is a creative way or two at making other people's days better?
For me it has been simply calling people by their name, especially in restaurants and other service industry environments (grocery store, retail stores, etc) and even at work.  There are others I have read about, such as paying a toll for a car or two behind you, buying people behind you in line a coffee, etc.  I guess mine isn't overly creative, but the people I see often in stores, restaurants, and so forth do seem to appreciate being "recognized" by name.  I am curious for any creative ideas others may have.

What is something people do in public which annoys you to no end?
There isn't enough space in this blog for me to list all of these.  Let's see:
Parents who let their kids do whatever they want in public and do nothing to control them; people who drive those powered carts in grocery stores and the like as though since they need such a device they are entitled to go where they want and others need to get out of their way; people who read their texts, emails and such (and even type out replies) while you are talking to them at lunch, etc.; people who drive as though regular city streets are the freaking Daytona 500, just to get to a light a few seconds faster; people who drive 30 in a 45 zone...in the left lane; drivers who tailgate; people who are rude to others and then act as though they are the ones who should be apologized to.  I just had to stop.

What is something which should be taken seriously, but is often not?
Responsibility for one's choices, actions, consequences and life.  I know, I went super serious, but I just see so many people in the world today looking to someone else to solve their problems, fix their mistakes, etc.  On a less super serious level I would say driving.  So many people talk on phones, primp, or text (to name a few) while driving and simply don't realize they can kill people, including themselves, in an instant.  Cars are as lethal as guns, maybe even more so, and yet people act as though they are not. 

What unlikely event do you hope to witness in your lifetime?
A time when the world was at peace; countries, religions, political parties, men-women, all of it.  I know how completely impossible it is, yet I would love to see it.  Some other random thoughts which could have been mine are: mankind colonizing other planets and traveling as easy among the stars as they do on Star Trek; an end to poverty and hunger (maybe starvation and near starvation is a better description); and end to bigotry and hatred over race, sex, religion, etc.  This is a tough one to limit to just one. 
What unrealistic expectation do you have about the opposite sex?
That we think, communicate and understand things the same.  I know better now than I did so many years ago.  Certainly I knew we were wired differently and so forth, I just don't think I had even an inkling of the very large differences on those fronts that do exist.  Women are really at times, alien to men and vice versa because of how differently we are wired.  If I were to expand a bit more, I would say a lot of men would likely say that women want/enjoy sex as much as men do. 

Something members of the opposite sex do that you simply don't understand?
I have never understood why women, especially the ones who are so attractive they can just about snap their fingers and get a guy, are always attracted to the "bad boy" or to men who treat them like shit.  I always go back to a time about 10+ years ago when a group of us from work went to Hooters for lunch.  (I know ladies...try to prevent the eye rolls)  While sitting at the end of the table, myself and a couple of the other IT guys (none of us would turn heads with our looks so we were largely considered as something like furniture to the waitresses talking to each other at the next table over) could not help but overhear one of the waitresses sniffling through a chat session with another of the waitresses where she detailed how her boyfriend had cheated on her, again, and then came crawling back saying how sorry he was, and he wouldn't do it again, etc.  And she told the other waitress she just felt like he was trying to avoid commitment before and now, this time it would be different.  Seriously, this girl could have been gotten the attention of nearly any guy, but certainly would have gotten even more attention and affection from one of the average guys, but yet, she had the attitude where those types were simply not even in her evolutionary chain, let alone the same planet, same league, etc.   She would rather be treated like shit by a pretty boy, than have the genuine respect, attention and appreciation of a regular guy.  I would be willing to bet she has been married more than twice, and likely (sadly) been beaten by many a guy.  I just don't get it at all.
So much is made of race in our society today.  Sadly, racism still exists in our society, and all races still have groups of people who are racists.  So, let's cut to the chase, because to a lot of people this really matters for some reason: What color is God? 

Why does God need to be white or black or yellow or red or pasty-white or olive-skinned?  Sure that description just tweaked somebody, not PC enough.  Oh well.  What if God is actually translucent?  Maybe, just maybe God is not any color (or all colors all at once).  You know what, Regis?  I am gonna go Final Answer here, whatever God wants to be, and so I am going to say translucent.  I honestly don't know for certain since I have yet to meet God, and honestly, I just don't care what "color" God is.  I hope it is something completely unheard of on earth, ever.  Shut everyone up.  And I believe God views us all as special so there is no "chosen" race.  Get over the superiority thing world!

Lastly, I will close with a few questions and see if anyone wants to answer it.   Being a Christian, I have an idea of these answers, yet the church never covered it.  

Did Jesus grow up like the rest of us?  Did He ever through a tantrum as a toddler, or was He always well behaved?  Did Joseph ever have to talk to Jesus about things in the world, or did a 6-year-old Jesus tell Joseph how things were?  Did teenage Jesus ever get angry with Joseph and/or Mary?  Other than the crucifixion, did Jesus ever get injured or did He always ensure nothing ever happened to injure Him?  What part of the being human experience do you think Jesus found most intriguing or insightful?   I know these are not deep, philosophical questions about our existence, I am just curious.  These are not meant to be flippant, but rather, what would you say if a non-believer started to ask you about this.  It truly was never, ever discussed at any church I ever attended.


  1. I bet Jesus had a normal childhood with all the experience of his peers. I think yes to all your questions.. because the gospel writers needed to portray a different image of Jesus. So in that regard his early life influenced his later, like Ghandi, MLK, and Bono.


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