
Showing posts from August, 2016

Why not try to predict the 2016 football season?

Every pre-season magazine, website and sports show tries to predict the results of the upcoming season, so why not have a fan try it. I don’t quite have the volume of data they do, but I can recall what I saw last year, read what changes have been brought to the table and try to Magic 8-Ball the end results.   So, here are my pretty much certain to be wrong predictions for the 2016 season, NCAA and NFL. Why not post your guesses in the comments or on your own page?    NCAA   Top 4 to make the college football playoff: Alabama, Ohio State, Oklahoma, and Clemson. Hard to predict any of them failing. All but Bama return their QBs, many key players and have a reasonable schedule path to the playoff. Of course, if any of the QBs is hurt, or a key player or two goes down, all bets are off.    Rest of Top 10 in no particular order (again pending no major injuries): FSU, LSU, Michigan, Iowa and Notre Dame.    The rest of the Top 25? How about Houston, Stanf

An attempt to bridge the LivesMatter communication gap

Today, I feel compelled to share words which come from deep in my soul: we must bridge the gap of our differences if we are to stop the violence which is growing in our nation. At the risk of upsetting the apple cart, maybe a few friends, I am going to try and say what I feel I must in order to try and help keep the very important conversation/debate/discussion about race and justice in our nation alive and moving forward. We all have the same goals: peace on the streets, safety for our families and ourselves and a desire for less violence and anger in our lives.   We have had so much tragic news about black men being shot to death by the police, and the police being shot to death by some angry black men. Honest to God, it is starting to sound like a war is brewing and it will be devastating to the fabric of our nation and of our communities if this doesn’t stop very soon.    First, the whole BlackLivesMatter, BlueLivesMatter and AllLivesMatter thing; hashtags simply