Pet Peeves

Well, after my last very lengthy and political note/blog, I still had several things I had been writing. However, I thought I might depart from the political or spiritual realm for a moment, and compile a list of pet peeves, and invite others to add their own. A kind of therapy, by venting.

This list is by no means complete, I am quite certain others will add some that I will go, DUH! I should have thought of that. But, the idea is to let everyone vent briefly. With the pending Monday, I am sure lots of people will want to add to the list.

So, as a departure from the norm, here is my list. They are in no particular order.

1) People who insist on bringing infants to movies. As a slight variation on the same peeve, people who bring small children to movies that are wholly inappropriate for kids. (Yes I have seen people take 4-year olds to see R-rated films.) Talk about unmitigated selfishness. Hire a freaking sitter!

2) Drivers who will blow past you on the left lane, only to slow down in front of you to turn right.

3) People who persist in talking on the cell phone while they attempt to drive. I say attempt, because most of them fail miserably. If you can't shut your mouth when you drive, either invest in a hands-free, voice activated phone, or sing with the radio. Each year nearly 5000 people die, and nearly 500,000 are injured in car crashes related to cell phone use, according to several studies. The study found people on cell phones have slower reaction times than someone considered legally drunk.

4) Companies who use lousy speech recognition software on their telephone systems. Sure I have a slight Southern accent, but if there are only two options (yes and no) give me the option of hitting 1 or 2 as well. Don't keep repeating, "I'm sorry, please try again" over and over.

5) Being asked my telephone number/account number AFTER I already entered in using the keypad on my phone. I thought I was supposed enter that info to "better assist me".

6) Jerks in cars who insist everyone in a 300-foot radius listen to their crappy music. Have you ever realized, they always have the worst taste in music?

7) People who forward chain-letter emails. No Bill Gates is not going to donate a $1000 to your charity for forwarding his message. No deposed leaders in Africa are going to pay YOU their inheritance. (It is estimated that 90% of the email traffic in the world today is spam. I think it is closer to 95%.)

8) People who answer texts and emails while you are trying to have a conversation with them. I guess I rate so low on your list of friends I should just piss off? That is the message you send. If it is important, at least excuse yourself.

9) People who jog on 2-lane roads when there is a sidewalk right there. Sure, I understand you want to avoid the baby strollers and people walking dogs, but do you really have to run in traffic?

10) People who drive their cars while having their dogs running free in the front seat or in the driver's lap. You wouldn't let your kids sit there would you? And ironically, these people strike me as the type who value animals more than people sometimes, yet they care so little for the pooch, they won't make sure they are safe in the car?

11) Greeting cards that throw sparkles, sequins or confetti on the hapless recipient.

12) Clothing stores that stock 5 of every size, when they know full well the smalls will be on the clearance rack in a month or so, a few mediums with it, and the L and XLs will be long gone. You want to actually sell more product, know your customers! America is not a nation of small and mediums.

13) DVDs which come shrink-wrapped and sealed with the sticky tape that doesn't come off the case...ever. Can't anyone figure out a way to simply seal it once and be done? Think of all the money they could save.

14) Parents who insist on being best friends with their kids instead of being parents! This goes hand in hand with teaching your kids how to dress themselves. Hint: their underwear isn't supposed to show.

15) Celebrities who are famous for simply being famous, and the nitwits who buy the magazines to support the stereotype.

16) Spelling errors on important documents, like resumes. Hello? Spell check only requires one click to run.

17) People having their picture taken holding alcohol all the time. I guess if you are trying to tell the world you are an alcoholic, it is a good idea. If your an adult who can legally drink, try acting like one. Maybe the idea is the drink is more interesting than they are?

18) When drive-thru restaurants get your order wrong, even after they read it back to you or had it on the screen correct.

19) Dirty restaurant bathrooms. If the bathroom is so unclean, one must wonder: how clean is the kitchen?

20) Restaurants that put 16 ounces of ice in my 20 ounce drink. Notice I didn't blame the waiters/waitresses. I don't think they enjoy coming to the table 6 times to refill the glass.

Okay, I guess I shall see if anyone adds to the list. Just to preempt someone, I am sure one of you was going to say annoying facebook notes... ;-).


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