Random Questions I Get Asked Often

Okay, I have been (accurately) accused of providing far too much social commentary lately, and while those issues remain very important to me, I do grow tired of the battles from time to time and wanted to take a step away. So, when wondering what a socially irrelevant topic might be, I thought...me. Just a brief FAQ of my own. Since I will likely be the only reader anyhow probably, I get to choose the questions...

1) What do you really do?
I work in I.T. (Information Technology, or computers for short). I presently work as a Linux Systems Administrator, Storage Area Network Administrator, and have been a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer in the past.

Okay, thanks, now in English please? I work on enterprise class servers (big computers) which run Linux, an open source operating system which is much more secure than Windows. (The normal non-IT person translation: I work on blah blah blah computers blah blah blah.)

A storage area network is a huge collection of hard drives clustered together to store very large amounts of data. To go into more detail makes most non-IT people suffer from extreme bouts of "OMG this is boring and I don't understand any of it-itis".

2) Why do you root for UGA now, weren't you always a big FSU fan?
Yes, I am still a big FSU fan. However, in my last house, I had some rather special neighbors. Mark and Katherine Richt, and Kevin and Mikki Hynes. Mark is now the Head Coach at UGA and Kevin became their Chaplain. They are not enough great things I can say about them all. They are truly authentic and wonderful people. They moved to Athens to rebuild a program which had lost its soul. There is a large FSU influence there, but they put a large emphasis on trying to mold great men and not just football players. They are building a real family environment.

So, rather than just rooting for the young men in the uniforms of my alma mater, I root for my friends and their success. I have also had the privilege, along with my family and friends, to meet many of the UGA players and coaches over the years. So, we are emotionally invested in UGA on and off the field.
Besides, they were my father's favorite when I was growing up. Go DAWGS!

3) You seem to have a lot of hobbies...
Yes I do. For one, I love coaching youth sports. I got the bug back in the summer of 1987, sitting in a Football Coaching class with 50 FSU players, and ironically, Mark and Katherine Richt (small world huh?). I have coached over 16 seasons of middle school tackle football, flag football, baseball and even soccer. I have been blessed to be a part of some wonderful young kids lives.

I also enjoy: reading, hiking, white water rafting, photography, writing, traveling, gaming and tormenting my children for starters. Sometimes cooking (and eating for sure). Oh, and yes, debating the topics of the day, religion, sports, just about anything that involves passion.

4) You seem to stir the pot alot...
Yep. Sure do. Opinions are like, well you know, everyone has one. I wear mine on my sleeve. Some people enjoy it, some I am sure, hate it. I just don't have the time, energy or desire to play the lets not ever offend anyone and pretend to like what they like so they will like me game. Or the let me fit in with the popular crowd game either. Love it or hate it, nobody ever has to wonder if I am being honest. I don't mind admitting when I am wrong, ask Donna (I tell her she is right all the time). If someone doesn't like me or my views, that is fine. You can't ever please everyone, but you can be honest with everyone. Plus, when I get into those deep discussions sometimes, I find another view or nugget of information which modifies my opinion. And of course, there is that Will Farrell streak in me that loves to just mess with people.

5) You are still in Tallahassee, really?
Yep, me and George Bailey have an awful lot in common. I tried several times to leave, and fate has always slammed that door shut. However, I must confess, it has given me the greatest blessings of my life: my greatest wife in the universe Donna, my very wonderful children, some of the greatest friends anyone could ever have, and a great career.

So, there, 5 quick questions and answers. No FB survey, no crazy FB which letter of the alphabet are you (Q by the way), or 256 question FB chain letter.


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