The Little Things Are The BIG Things

This was originally posted 4/5/2008

I must admit, I have been blessed in this life far greater than I deserve. I have great parents (extras even), great kids, great friends, and a great appreciation of them all. I even like my job. I give a fair amount of the credit to my father, since I have tried to be like him since I can remember. He has always treated people right, and felt like you get back from the world what you put into it. He loves to examine the deeper meaning behind things, but yet he keeps life simple.

Recently he shared one of his favorite books with our family, giving the kids each a copy, and sharing it with Donna and I too. It is from the Life Is Good folks, two brothers (Jacobs’ too, but not related that we know of). It features simple feel good sayings which still manage to convey an optimistic message.

I wrote down my favorite five from my first reading:

We will never know all the good a simple smile can do.
Sometimes the best conversation is a good game of catch.
Hold a true friend with both hands.
Youth knows no age.
Everything is a once in a lifetime experience.

Cheesy, maybe. True, absolutely. I wish I had some secret I could write a book about, share with the world, and make millions. But I don’t. I just know what works for me.

Some people’s idea of a good time involves parties, music, lots of people and booze. As all of my friends know, I prefer smaller gatherings, music is good (movies and football are too), and just being together. Conversation with a good meal, that is an awesome experience too.

As I reflect this weekend, sure I could travel more, get out more, and be more involved, but life has taught me another lesson: the little things, ARE the big things. Sitting together on a couch watching a show or movie, having ice cream with my kids, playing catch, having a good chat over lunch or dinner, listening to music and talking about the lyrics, or what they mean to you. Even sitting together quietly. Those are great examples. These are the things which make me happy. Sure, I might get bored from time to time, but I will not trade them in for a more ’exciting’ life. I love my life the way it is.

I hope when my children grow up, they will know to appreciate the little things. To take time to really get to know people, to love people, and to be good people. I hope they will live a life of service, to help others, be a friend to others, and to make the world a better place.

This blog went rather vague on me, just a few feel good expressions, but it can be just the little things, so I will leave it at that. I will simply close with, thanks Dad, for showing me the way!


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